Thank You


15 Maj 2005
New Zealand
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many of you who went out of your way to welcome me into your homes, the fantastic food and the time you took to show me around the local sights.

I have been back in New Zealand for a few days now and I have had time to reflect on my experiences in your country. My impressions are that Serbians are a very friendly, warm, welcoming people. I have many positive memories of my visit. What impressed me most was the friendly people, the culture, the landscape, the beautiful old buildings, the low price of a pivo and a packet of cigarettes. :)

I found the language barrier very hard and difficult to deal with. But during my stay I now know a few Serbian words. Hopefully by the time I visit again Bob would have taught me a lot more words so maybe I might understand at least something of what you are saying. :roll:

Once again, thank you. You are wonderful people :D
Nema na cemu Kiwi... :D

Lepo je cuti sve te pohvale a jos lepse kada dolaze od nekoga ko je iz tako daleke zemlje kao sto je Novi Zeland.
Nadam se da nece ostati samo na ovoj poseti i da ce biti jos prilika za bolja upoznavanja . Raduje me i to, sto pokusavas da ucis nas jezik koji nije ni mlo lak za strance cak sta vise ,veoma tezak za ucenje. Isto tako, veoma mi je drago sto si za tako kratko vreme stekla lepe utiske o nasoj zemlji i nasim ljudima ..

...thanks Kiwi
Hi Kiwi!!!
It was a pleasure to be in your company. I found out so many interesting things during our conversations. Nice memories makes you wealthier for some unusual scenes, different tastes, beautiful sights, and even glances which will appear during time in your memory...I hope they will make the language barrier really irrelevant.
So many things you said for serbia and people from it, it really makes me feel proud, and I am thankfull :) ..also Im looking forward to see you again.