Za odredjivanje vrste biljaka Cryptocoryne roda potrebno je da se ima uvid u cvet biljke i bez toga je besmisleno da se upustamo u odredjivanje vrste. Listovi odnosno izgled biljke nam ne pruzaju dovoljno pokazatelja za uspesan rad u odredjivanju vrste biljka roda Cryptocoryne.
Brojevi u zagradama referisu ka alternativnom izboru ili drugom delu izraza datog kljuca.
Key to Cryptocoryne Species:
Brojevi u zagradama referisu ka alternativnom izboru ili drugom delu izraza datog kljuca.
Key to Cryptocoryne Species:
1 (4) Tube absent, inflorescence opening through a vertical
suture ...........................................................2
2 (3) Leaf blades oblong, lanceolate or ribbon-like ......... C. spiralis
3 Leaf blades cordate or ovate .........................C. ferruginea
4 Tube present, opening through a horizontal throat ................5
5 (6) Limb of inflorescence on the margins fringed ........... C. ciliata
6 Limb not fringed ................................................7
7 (20) Leaf blades oblong, lanceolate, 8 to 20 times or even
more times longer than wide .....................................8
8 (17) Limb in the basal part at most half as wide as the tube .........9
9 (12) Leaf blades entire or undulate only on the margins; if
bullose, then always narrower than 1 cm ........................10
10 (11) Limb trimmed with red dots and lines ............ C. retrospiralis
11 Limb uniformly colored red or yellow-green .........C. tonkinensis
12 Leaf blades bullose ............................................13
13 (16) On the blade only, one row of blisters on both sides .......... 14
14 (15) Blades ribbon-like, margins alveolate and densely
undulate ...........................................C. tonkinensis
15 Blades oblong, lanceolate, in the center alveolate, mar
gins nearly entire ....................................C. balansac
16 On the leaf blade both sides 2 to 3 rows
of blisters ..........................................C. usteriana
17 Limb distinctly dilated, 3 times wider than the tube .......... 18
18 (19) Emersed leaves red, limb with distinct caudicle .......C. costala
19 Emersed leaves green, limb without caudicle, horizontally
twisted .............................................C. korthausac
20 Blades widely elliptical to cordate, maximum 2 to 4 times
longer than wide, limb not spirally twisted ....................21
21 (26) Limb extended into a caudicle longer, or as long, as all the
other parts of the inflorescence together ......................22
22 (23) Limb white or yellow ...............................C. thweitesii
23 Limb red .......................................................24
24 (25) Throat with collar, tube longer than kettle .........C. johorensis
25 Throat without collar, tube shorter than
kettle .........................................C. pontederifolia
26 Limb without caudicle or the caudicle reaches maximum
the half of the inflorescence length ...........................27
27 (30) Blades leather-like, thick, green on both sides, 1.5 to
twice as long as wide ..........................................28
28 (29) Limb at the base yellow, red spotted, with long
caudicle ............................................... C. lingua
29 Limb at the base uniformly colored, with a very short
caudicle ............................................C. versteegii
30 Blades membranous, lower leaf surface often brown or
red, if on both sides green, then lanceolate, 3 times or
more longer than wide ..........................................31
31 (32) Tube distinctly shorter than the kettle .............C. auriculath
32 Tube at least as long as the kettle ............................33
33 (38) Blades maximum 8 to 14 mm wide .................................34
34 (35) Limb short caudicle, throat yellow ....................C. nevillii
35 Limb triangular, throat not yellow .............................36
36 (37) Throat above nearly black, below colorless, limb bright
purple ..................................................C. parva
37 Throat purple, limb pale, olive-red, dull ...............C. lucens
38 Blades wider than 16 mm ........................................39
39 (48) Blades lanceolate, 3.5 to 5 times longer than wide, limbs
never bright red ...............................................40
40 (43) Limb immediately after opening, twisted above the
throat, so that the tube opens only through a larger or
smaller fissure ................................................41
41 (42) Throat forms an elliptical fissure, inside green-yellow or
olive-yellow .........................................C. axelrodii
42 Throat forms a very narrow fissure, inside red-brown ....C. wendtii
43 Limb ligulate, the throat fully open ...........................44
44 (45) Limb light yellow .......................................C. walkeri
45 Limb not yellow .................................................46
46 (47) Limb yellow-brown, the base dentate ...................C. becketii
47 Limb inside green, along the whole length dentate .......C. petchii
48 Blades cordate or broadly elliptical, 1.5 to 2 to 2.5 times
longer than wide ................................................49
49 (50) Throat in the terminal part of the tube red or violet
spotted ................................................C. gracilis
50 Throat without spots ............................................51
51 (52) Blades covered with crystalline cells ...................C. affinis
52 Blades without crystalline cells ................................53
53 (64) Throat with collar ..............................................54
54 (57) Limb as long as the kettle and tube together, bent down
wards .........................................................55
55 (56) Limb purple-red, petioles 2 to 3 times longer than blades,
leaves 15 to 25 cm long ..............................C. zetvaldae
56 Limb yellow, brown spotted, plants only 5 to 10 cm high
.........................................................C. minima
57 Limb shorter than tube and kettle together ......................58
58 (61) Blades cordate, not blistered ...................................59
59 (60) Limb and throat purple ..............................C. griffithii
60 Limb yellow, throat red ................................C. schulzei
61 Leaf blades elliptical .........................................62
62 (63) Blades smooth, only on the margins dentate ................ C. nuri
63 Blades blistered ........................................C. bullosa
64 Throat without collar ...........................................65
65 (74) Throat funnel-shaped ............................................66
66 (73) Limb or only the throat yellow .................................67
67 (68) Limb large, more than 5 cm long ............................C. evac
68 Limb 2.5 to 4 cm long............................................69
69 (70) Limb uniformly colored yellow .........................C. siamensis
70 Limb not uniformly colored ......................................71
71 (72) Limb yellow, at the tip with small red warty dots ........C. zonala
72 The surface of limb yellow, scattered with brown or pink
areas .................................................C. didericti
73 Limb and throat not bright yellow, usually purple, rarely
dull brown-yellow .......................................C. cordata
74 Throat not funnel-shaped ........................................75
75 (76) Blades smooth, limb vermilion red ........................C. hejnyi
76 Blades blistered, limb orange-brown ....................C. zukalii