Stina, da je to tako kako ti zamisljas, L brojevi i sp. ne bi ni postojali. Neko bi pogledao usta ribe i rekao koja je vrsta. Tako bas neide.
Ako zelis da proucavas Loricariidae onda kreni da bunaris po net-u mada bi najbolje bilo da vidis da li nesto ima u biblioteci. Vidi sa nekima ko studira biologiju, mora da ima nesto i u vezi toga.
Za pocetak kreni od vrha a to znaci od Loricariidae. Dakle trazi po net-u Loricariidae gosline 1945 , Loricariidae gosline 1947 i to ce da te uputi dalje. Odmah da ti kazem da mnogi tekstovi o tome se ne objavljuju javno na net-u nego se placaju.
Evo ti malo od toga da razmisljas u dobrom pravcu. Dole je taj KEY za Loricariidae od Goslin-a.
la. Pectoral fin rays 1,8; anal fin placed well back, well behind tip of last, depressed dorsal fin ray; body with a few rudi-mentary scutes; teeth in a single series in each jaw; caudal fin bilobed, the two outermost rays not the longest; a series of enlarged papillae on lower lip just
behind the mandibular teeth................................................Lithogeneinae
1b. Pectoral fin rays 1,6, sometimes 1,5; sides of body usually completely covered with bony scutes; anal fin placed nearly under or anterior to tip of last, depressed dorsal fin ray...................2
2a. Anus often separated from anal fin origin by single azygous preanal plate, but never by a pair of ventrolateral plates that meet along midline just behind anus; belly never enclosed and shielded by series of smooth, interlocking plates; lower, transverse portion of pectoral girdle never exposed as a bony ridge across front of chest; caudal peduncle roundish or compressed...............................3
2b. At least one pair of ventrolateral plates meeting along midline between anus and anal fin origin.........................4
3a. Interopercular area normally developed, never specialized as a group of fused platelets that are automatically forced outward and forward when outer border of opercle is raised.........................5
3b. Platelets in interopercular region fused, usually bearing hooks and articulating with opercle in such a way that raising of outer opercular border forces interopercular area outward and forward.........................................Ancistrinae
4a. Lower transverse portion of pectoral girdle exposed as a bony bridge across front of chest; caudal peduncle compressed or rounded.. Hypoptopomatinae
4b. Lower transverse portion of pectoral girdle not exposed, this area usually
covered with small platelets; caudal peduncle strongly depressed.. Loricariinae
5a. Anal rays 1,4; supracleithral plate bordered posteroventrally by the exposed cleithrum; cheeks never with bristles; predorsal plate V-shaped, closely appressed to the dorsal spine, with the prongs of the V extending anteroven-trally; normally three rather symmetrical azygous scutes between supraoccipital and predorsal plate................................................Hypostominae (part)
5b. Anal rays usually 1,5 to 1,6 (possibly 1,4 in Corymbophanes andersoni); supracleithral (supratemporal) plate bordered posteroventrally at least in part by a naked area or by a few to several small platelets.......................................6
6a. Lateral scutes 27-32; predorsal plate minute or absent, never closely attached to the dorsal spine; four or more scutes, exclusive of the predorsal scute, on the midline between supraoccipital and dorsal origin......................................7
6b. Lateral scutes 22-26; cleithrum extending backward over base of pectoral spine.........................Hypostominae (part)
7a. Tooth row of lower jaw not followed by one or more distinct series of enlarged papillae; abdomen without an isolated, regularly six-sided shield of platelets............................. Hypostominae(part)
7b. Tooth row of lower jaw followed by one to several series of distinct, enlarged papillae; abdomen with a rather regular six-sided shield of small, prickly platelets, bordered on all sides by a naked area...................... Neoplecostominae
E sada da bi video da je djavo odneo salu, oblast koja tebe zanima je jos komplikovanija. Loricariidae ima svoju potfamiliju Ancistriae u kojoj se nalaze ti rodovi koje tebe zanimaju. Mislim da znas koliko je to velika potfamilija.
Evo i za njih da ti dam kljuceve pa se onda ti igraj do mile volje u odredjivanju vrsta ali prvo treba da odredis genus (rod) pa tek onda spices (vrstu).
la. Adipose fin absent..........................2
1b. Adipose fin present........................5
2a. Anal fin absent..............................4
2b. Anal fin present............................3
3a. Caudal fin with long, filamentous upper and lower lobes.................Acanthicus
3b. Caudal fin without long, filamentous upper and lower lobes....Lithoxus (part)
4a. Originating from Panama and Colombia ..................................Leptoancistrus
4b. Originating only from South America..................................Lipopterichthys
5a. Last dorsal fin ray attached by a mem brane to the adipose fin......Parancistrus
5b. Last dorsal fin ray not attached to adi pose fin or near its base by a membrane.................................................6
6a. Teeth small, numerous, more than 20 oneach ramus..................................10
6b. Teeth larger, fewer, less than 20 on each ramus.........................................7
7a. Teeth spoon-shaped, 6-8 in ramus of each jaw; belly covered with small platelets..............................Panaque
7b. Teeth not spoon-shaped; belly naked.. 8
8a. Several filamentous barbels, in addition to the commisural barbels, present on the margin of the upper and lower lips. ..................................Exastilithoxus
8b. No such barbels present in addition to the commisural barbels...................9
9a. Odontodes well developed; body deep, with very spinous dermal ossifications; attains fairly large body size...............................................Pseudacanthicus
9b. Head and dermal ossifications without very conspicuous odontodes; small spe cies with a flat body......Lithoxus (part)
lOa. Dorsal fin rays 10...........Megalancistrus
lOb. Dorsal fin rays 8 or fewer...............11
11 a. Width or ramus of lower jaw contained fewer than 1.5 times in interorbital space, the two commonly being nearly equal in length and width; belly naked; at least 25% of anterior dorsal surface of snout naked and without barbels; inter opercle with short, evertible spines, sometimes with curved or hooked tips.. ....................................Chaetostoma
lib. Width of ramus of lower jaw contained more than 1.75 times in interorbital space (usually 2-5 times); belly naked or with small platelets (granular scales); snout various...............................12
12a. Anterior 1A or more of upper snout sur face naked and with well developed bar bels, at least in the males; opercle and interopercle separately movable, latter with graduated evertible spines having hooked tips; belly naked........Ancistrus
12b. Anterior dorsal surface of snout bony, except for a few species that have roundish naked patch not much larger (sometimes smaller) than orbit................13
13a. Spines and bristles on interoperculum, if present, not arranged in rosette pattern; interopercle and opercle separately (but only moderately) movable, former with evertible spines; belly with granular
scales or platelets (except in young)... 14
13b. Interopercle with a rosette pattern of graduated spines with hooked tips and long, slender bristles on outer margin of spines; interopercle and opercle separately movable; belly naked.............15
14a. Posterior lateral body scutes distinctly rugose; color pattern distinctive (com monly with black bands); usually of a small size...........................Peckoltia
14b. Posterior lateral body scutes not dis tinctly rugose; color plain; moderately large size.......................Hemiancistrus
15a. Three plates present from dorsal fin base to origin of adipose fin; head about as wide as long.................Cordylancistrus
15b. Five to six plates from dorsal fin base toadipose origin..............................16
16a. Head wide, almost as wide as long; some very long interopercular odontodes ex tending much beyond head in adult males..........................Dolichancistrus
16b. Head width only about 75% of its length; very long odontodes not present..Lasiancistrus
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